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Inclusion and online learning opportunities: designing for accessibility | Pearson | Research in Learning Technology

Inclusion and online learning opportunities: designing for accessibility

Elaine J. Pearson, Tony Koppi


Higher education institutions worldwide are adopting flexible learning methods and online technologies which increase the potential for widening the learning community to include people for whom participation may previously have been difficult or impossible. The development of courseware that is accessible, flexible and informative can benefit not only people with special needs, but such courseware provides a better educational experience for all students.


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Research in Learning Technology - Print ISSN 2156-7069; Online ISSN: 2156-7077

This journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) License. Responsible editors: Steven Verjans, Lesley Gourlay and Meg O'Reilly.