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Peasant and Donkey Returning Home at Dusk
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Œuvres d’écrivains
David Middleton

Peasant and Donkey Returning Home at Dusk

— ca. 1866-68 —
David Middleton

Entrées d’index

Index chronologique :

20th century, XXe siècle

Index thématique et géographique :

États-Unis, literature, littérature, United States
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Texte intégral

1Between raised ochre plains and low slate skies
Pressing against stray clustered tufts of trees
A tapered wedge is driven blue through light
Flaring from clouds that tatter in the air.

2And on a scarred black path that blindly winds
Unoutlined at the utmost edge of dusk
A peasant, brown and dark on dark brown earth
Draws his tired donkey, burdened in the murk.

3Cross-hatched, then rubbed and blended, well-stumped lines
Show sun-flecks streaming home from cloud and plain,
Escaping wraiths both radiant and grave,
Brightness incised, fleeing a bleak demesne.

4These winter rows are sown with dusk and cold.
This man has bound and baled late wheat and hay,
Surd stalks fettered and pressed in night’s blind vise,
Words stark as their unlettered dark and day.

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Pour citer cet article

Référence électronique

David Middleton, « Peasant and Donkey Returning Home at Dusk », Revue LISA/LISA e-journal [En ligne], Écrivains, écritures, Œuvres d’écrivains, mis en ligne le 01 janvier 2005, consulté le 11 mars 2014. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/lisa.602

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David Middleton

Thibodaux, LA, USA

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