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The Discriminant Validity Of The Culture Assessment Instrument: A Comparison Of Company Cultures | Du Toit | SA Journal of Human Resource Management
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Original Research

The Discriminant Validity Of The Culture Assessment Instrument: A Comparison Of Company Cultures

Willie Du Toit, Gert Roodt

SA Journal of Human Resource Management; Vol 1, No 1 (2003), . doi: 10.4102/sajhrm.v1i1.5

Submitted: 02 November 2003
Published:  02 November 2003


The aim of this study was to assess the discriminant validity of the Culture Assessment Instrument (CAI); that is to distinguish between mean culture scores of different companies. The convenience sample consisted of 4066 respondents from five different companies, originating from various industries. CAI scores of 56 items were factor analysed on two levels, followed by iterative item analyses. Significant differences between company mean scores were identified, but only a small portion of the variance in these scores could be ascribed to culture differences. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the CAI in its current form does not possess discriminant validity. It is recommended that items attuned to deeper levels of culture, based on Schein’s three-level typology, be added to the instrument.

Die doel van die studie was om die diskriminante geldigheid van die ‘Culture Assessment Instrument’ (CAI) te beoordeel; dit is om tussen gemiddelde kultuurtellings van verskillende ondernemings te onderskei. Die geleentheidsteekproef het bestaan uit 4066 respondente uit vyf verskillende ondernemings afkomstig uit verskeie industrieë. CAI-tellings van 56 items is op twee vlakke gefaktoranaliseer, gevolg deur iteratiewe itemontledings. Beduidende verskille tussen ondernemings se gemiddelde kultuurtellings is gevind, maar slegs ’n klein proporsie van die variansie in die tellings kon aan kultuurverskille toegeskryf word. Gebaseer op hierdie bevindinge, is daar tot die slotsom gekom dat die CAI in sy huidige vorm nie oor diskriminante geldigheid beskik nie. Daar is aanbeveel dat items gerig op dieper kultuurvlakke, gebaseer op Schein se drievlaktipologie, tot die instrument gevoeg word.

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Author affiliations

Willie Du Toit, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Gert Roodt, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa


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