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Open Journal Systems Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Open Journal Systems

Propuesta numérica para el cálculo generalizado del factor de efectividad

Hermes A. Rangel Jara, Jorge E. Spinel Gómez


El presente trabajo desarrolla y pone a prueba una propuesta numérica de tipo generalizado para calcular el factor de efectividad de una pastilla catalítica. La estrategia numérica se elabora a partir del análisis del sistema acoplado de ecuaciones diferenciales, originado de la aplicación de los principios de conservación de masa y energía a los fenómenos de transferencia de masa, calor y de la reacción química, bajo una condición estable.


ingeniería química; pastille catalítica

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ISSN: 0120-5609 (print)
ISSN: 2248-8723 (online)

Indexed in:

IBN Publindex

Publindex is a Colombian bibliographic index for classifying, updating, rating and certifying scientific and technological publications. It is recognised by COLCIENCIAS and ICFES in Colombia.

Directory of Open Access Journals

DOAJ increases the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, aims to be comprehensive and cover all that journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. It's a one stop shop for users of OA Journals.

SciELO Colombia

SciELO Colombia is a virtual library for Latin-America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, which was created by FAPESP in 1997 in Sao Pablo, Brazil. It is currently being managed in Colombia by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


This is a web page providing open access to Spanish and Latin-American electronic journals. It was created in Spain.

Science Citation Index ExpandedTM

Thomson Reuters SCI is a prestigious online indexing system which incorporates bibliographic and citation data of scientific publications worldwide.


Scopus is a bibliographic database publishing summaries and references concerning articles from scientific journals. It covers around 19,500 titles by more than 5,000 international editors, including coverage of about 16,500 journals.


Latindex is the product of cooperation by a network of Latin-American institutions operating in a coordinated way to gather and disseminate bibliographic information about serialised scientific publications produced in the region.


Redalyc stands for the Latin-American, Caribbean, Spanish and Portuguese Scientific journals’ Network (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal) sponsored by the Universidad Autónoma in México.


Dialnet is a webpage for disseminating Spanish-speaking scientific production; it began operating in 2001. It specializes in human and social sciences. Its open access database was created by the Universidad de La Rioja (Spain).

See more indexes here.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 45 No 26-85 - Edificio Uriel Gutiérrez
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia