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An exploration of individual experiences of constant organisational change | Williams | SA Journal of Industrial Psychology
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Original Research

An exploration of individual experiences of constant organisational change

K. Williams, A. Crafford, L. Fourie

SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003), . doi: 10.4102/sajip.v29i2.94

Submitted: 24 October 2003
Published:  24 October 2003


Ongoing change is an inevitable part of the current organisational context. Change management practices are oftencited as a reason for resistance to change, and as a cause of stress for individuals during change interventions. A qualitative study was undertaken in a technical division of a large South African organisation to explore the individual experiences of employees in the face of constant organisational change. Grounded theory analysis confirmed that constant organisational change and the related change management practices were indeed a source of unpleasant individual experience for employees at the time. Yet, no serious long-term effects of stress were evident. It is suggested that Strümpfer’s (1983–2000) work on salutogenesis and fortigenesis may be useful in explaining the outcome. Further research incorporating larger sample sizes and multiple triangulation methods in the data gathering process is recommended.

Kontinue verandering is ’n onvermydelike deel van die huidige organisasiekonteks. Veranderingsbestuurspraktyke word gereeld geopper as ’n rede vir die weerstand teen verandering asook die oorsaak van spanning by individue tydens veranderingsintervensies. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie in die tegniese divisie van ’n groot Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy is onderneem om die individuele ervaring van werknemers tydens konstante organisasieverandering te ondersoek. ’n Begronde teorie- ontleding het aangetoon dat konstante organisasieverandering en die gepaardgaande veranderingsbestuurspraktyke inderdaad ’n bron van onaangename ervaring vir werknemers is. Desnieteenstaande was ernstige langtermyn gevolge van spanning nie waarneembaar nie . Dit word aangevoer dat Strümpfer (1983–2000) se werk oor salutogenese en fortigenese nuttig mag wees in die verklaring van die bevindings. Verdere navorsing wat groter steekproefgroottes en intermetodiese kruisvalidering tydens die data-insamelingsproses insluit, word voorgestel.

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Author affiliations

K. Williams, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
A. Crafford, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
L. Fourie, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa


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