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Reading through Interaction: From Individualistic Reading Comprehension to Collaboreading | Behjat | Theory and Practice in Language Studies
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol 1, No 3 (2011), 239-244, Mar 2011

Reading through Interaction: From Individualistic Reading Comprehension to Collaboreading

Fatemeh Behjat


Group work and interaction play significant roles in the learning process and much of the evidence comes from studies of foreign language learners’ interaction with native speakers. This study aimed at finding out whether interaction among learners also facilitates reading comprehension. For this purpose, a number of Iranian EFL students at Abadeh and Shiraz Islamic Azad Universities were selected and divided into two groups. While in the first group individualistic reading was encouraged, the second group read together and had interaction and collaboration in understanding the texts. The results revealed that collaboreading improves the learners’ comprehension better than individualistic reading.


reading comprehension; interaction; collaboreading; individualistic reading


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Theory and Practice in Language Studies (TPLS, ISSN 1799-2591)

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