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Reviews | Barker | Research in Learning Technology


Philip Barker, Roger Lewis, Bruce Ingraham, Elaine Pearson, John Sweet, Andrea I. Frank


three sets of capacities are needed by the learner: strong motivation, self-management and reflection. Of the three, most educators readily understand the need for motivation (though how to help learners with this remains problematic) and many resources, approaches and techniques exist to help learners develop self-management. The third requirement, capacity to reflect, is much less understood. So a book with the title 'reflective learning in practice' seems welcome.


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Research in Learning Technology - Print ISSN 2156-7069; Online ISSN: 2156-7077

This journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) License. Responsible editors: Steven Verjans, Lesley Gourlay and Meg O'Reilly.